ARG PLEX_VER= ARG BUSYBOX_VER=1.36.1 ARG SU_EXEC_VER=0.4 ARG TINI_VER=0.19.0 ARG ZLIB_VER=1.3.1 ARG LIBXML2_VER=2.12.6 ARG LIBXSLT_VER=1.1.39 ARG XMLSTAR_VER=1.6.1 ARG OPENSSL_VER=3.0.13 ARG NGHTTP2_VER=1.61.0 ARG CURL_VER=8.7.1 ARG OUTPUT=/output ARG DESTDIR=/prefix ARG CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -flto=auto" ARG LDFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM spritsail/alpine:3.18 AS builder RUN apk add --no-cache \ autoconf \ automake \ binutils \ cmake \ curl \ dpkg \ file \ gcc \ git \ libtool \ linux-headers \ make \ musl-dev \ nghttp2-dev \ pkgconfig \ xxd \ zstd # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM builder AS plex ARG PLEX_VER ARG OUTPUT WORKDIR $OUTPUT # Fetch Plex and required libraries RUN if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then \ ARCH=arm64; LIB_DIRS=lib/omx; \ else \ ARCH=amd64; \ fi \ && curl -fsSL -o plexmediaserver.deb${PLEX_VER}/debian/plexmediaserver_${PLEX_VER}_${ARCH}.deb \ && dpkg-deb -x plexmediaserver.deb . \ \ && rm -rfv \ etc/ usr/share/ \ usr/lib/plexmediaserver/etc \ plexmediaserver.deb \ \ && cd usr/lib/plexmediaserver \ && rm -v \ lib/* \ lib/* \ lib/* \ lib/* \ lib/plexmediaserver.* \ Resources/ \ \ # Place shared libraries in usr/lib so they can be actually shared && mv lib/*.so* $LIB_DIRS ../ \ && rmdir lib \ && ln -sv ../ lib \ # Replace hardlink with a symlink; these files are the same && cd .. && ln -sfvn "ld-musl-$(uname -m).so.1" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM builder AS busybox ARG CFLAGS ARG LDFLAGS ARG MAKEFLAGS ARG OUTPUT ARG BUSYBOX_VER WORKDIR /tmp/busybox RUN curl -fsSL${BUSYBOX_VER}.tar.bz2 \ | tar xj --strip-components=1 \ && make defconfig \ && make \ && install -Dm755 busybox "$OUTPUT/usr/bin/busybox" \ # "Install" busybox, creating symlinks to all binaries it provides && mkdir -p "$OUTPUT/usr/bin" "$OUTPUT/usr/sbin" \ && ./busybox --list-full | sed -E 's@^(s?bin)@usr/\1@' | xargs -i ln -Tsv /usr/bin/busybox "$OUTPUT/{}" ARG SU_EXEC_VER WORKDIR /tmp/su-exec RUN curl -fL${SU_EXEC_VER}.tar.gz \ | tar xz --strip-components=1 \ && make \ && install -Dm755 su-exec "$OUTPUT/usr/sbin/su-exec" ARG TINI_VER WORKDIR /tmp/tini RUN curl -fL${TINI_VER}.tar.gz \ | tar xz --strip-components=1 \ && cmake . \ && make tini \ && install -Dm755 tini "$OUTPUT/usr/sbin/tini" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM builder AS zlib ARG CFLAGS ARG LDFLAGS ARG MAKEFLAGS ARG OUTPUT ARG DESTDIR ARG ZLIB_VER WORKDIR /tmp/zlib RUN curl -sSf$ZLIB_VER.tar.xz \ | tar xJ --strip-components=1 \ && ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --shared \ && make install \ && make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install \ && mkdir -p "$OUTPUT/usr/lib" \ && cp -aP "$DESTDIR"/usr/lib/*.so* "$OUTPUT/usr/lib" ARG LIBXML2_VER WORKDIR /tmp/libxml2 RUN git clone --branch v$LIBXML2_VER --depth 1 . \ && ./ \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-zlib="$DESTDIR/usr" \ --without-catalog \ --without-docbook \ --without-ftp \ --without-http \ --without-iconv \ --without-iso8859x \ --without-legacy \ --without-modules \ --without-python \ && make install \ && make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install \ && cp -aP "$DESTDIR"/usr/lib/*.so* "$OUTPUT/usr/lib" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM zlib AS xml ARG CFLAGS ARG LDFLAGS ARG MAKEFLAGS ARG OUTPUT ARG DESTDIR ARG LIBXSLT_VER WORKDIR /tmp/libxslt RUN git clone --branch v$LIBXSLT_VER --depth 1 . \ && ./ \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-libxml-src=../libxml2 \ --without-crypto \ --without-plugins \ --without-python \ && make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install \ && cp -aP "$DESTDIR"/usr/lib/*.so* "$OUTPUT/usr/lib" ARG XMLSTAR_VER ADD xmlstarlet-*.patch /tmp WORKDIR /tmp/xmlstarlet RUN git clone git:// --branch $XMLSTAR_VER --depth 1 . \ && git apply /tmp/xmlstarlet*.patch \ && autoreconf -sif \ && ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --disable-build-docs \ --with-libxml-prefix="$DESTDIR/usr" \ --with-libxslt-prefix="$DESTDIR/usr" \ && make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install \ && install -Dm755 "$DESTDIR/usr/bin/xml" "$OUTPUT/usr/bin/xmlstarlet" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM zlib AS curl ARG CFLAGS ARG LDFLAGS ARG MAKEFLAGS ARG OUTPUT ARG DESTDIR ARG OPENSSL_VER WORKDIR /tmp/openssl RUN curl -sSL${OPENSSL_VER}.tar.gz \ | tar xz --strip-components=1 \ && ./config \ --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=lib \ --with-zlib-lib="$DESTDIR/usr/lib" \ --with-zlib-include="$DESTDIR/usr/include" \ shared \ zlib-dynamic \ no-engine \ no-rc5 \ no-ssl3-method \ && make build_libs \ && make build_programs \ && make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" \ install_sw \ install_ssldirs \ && make install_sw install_ssldirs \ && cp -aP "$DESTDIR"/usr/lib/*.so* "$OUTPUT/usr/lib" \ && sed -i "s@prefix=/usr@prefix=$DESTDIR/usr@g" "$DESTDIR"/usr/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc ARG NGHTTP2_VER WORKDIR /tmp/libnghttp2 RUN git clone -b v$NGHTTP2_VER --depth 1 . \ && autoreconf -i \ && ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-lib-only \ --with-libxml2=yes \ --with-openssl=yes \ --with-zlib=yes \ && make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install \ && cp -aP "$DESTDIR"/usr/lib/libnghttp2*.so* "$OUTPUT/usr/lib" # /usr/lib # curl --version # curl 8.0.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-musl) libcurl/8.0.1 OpenSSL/3.0.8 zlib/1.2.13 nghttp2/1.52.0 # Release-Date: 2023-03-20 # Protocols: http https # Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS HSTS HTTP2 HTTPS-proxy IPv6 Largefile libz SSL threadsafe UnixSockets ARG CURL_VER WORKDIR /tmp/curl RUN export CURL_TAG=curl-${CURL_VER//./_} \ && git clone --branch $CURL_TAG --depth 1 . \ && sed -i \ -e "/\WLIBCURL_VERSION\W/c #define LIBCURL_VERSION \"$CURL_VER\"" \ -e "/\WLIBCURL_TIMESTAMP\W/c #define LIBCURL_TIMESTAMP \"$(git log -1 --format=%cs "$CURL_TAG")\"" \ include/curl/curlver.h \ && autoreconf -sif \ && ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-http \ --enable-ipv6 \ --enable-largefile \ --enable-proxy \ --enable-unix-sockets \ --with-libnghttp2="$DESTDIR/usr" \ --with-ssl="$DESTDIR/usr" \ --with-zlib="$DESTDIR/usr" \ --enable-optimize \ --enable-symbol-hiding \ --enable-versioned-symbols \ --enable-threaded-resolver \ --disable-cookies \ --disable-crypto-auth \ --disable-curldebug \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --disable-dict \ --disable-file \ --disable-ftp \ --disable-gopher \ --disable-imap \ --disable-ldap \ --disable-ldaps \ --disable-libcurl-option \ --disable-manual \ --disable-mqtt \ --disable-ntlm-wb \ --disable-pop3 \ --disable-rtsp \ --disable-smb \ --disable-smtp \ --disable-sspi \ --disable-telnet \ --disable-tftp \ --disable-tls-srp \ --disable-verbose \ --without-axtls \ --without-libpsl \ --without-librtmp \ --without-winidn \ && make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install \ && install -Dm755 "$DESTDIR/usr/bin/curl" "$OUTPUT/usr/bin/curl" \ && cp -aP "$DESTDIR"/usr/lib/*.so* "$OUTPUT/usr/lib" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM builder AS combine ARG OUTPUT WORKDIR $OUTPUT COPY --from=plex "$OUTPUT" . COPY --from=busybox "$OUTPUT" . COPY --from=xml "$OUTPUT" . COPY --from=curl "$OUTPUT" . RUN install -m 1777 -o root -g root -d tmp \ && ln -sv /usr/lib /usr/bin /usr/sbin . \ # Link Plex ca-certificates as system store so curl and others can use them too && mkdir -p etc/ssl/certs \ && ln -sv /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/cacert.pem etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \ # Strip all unneeded symbols for optimum size && find . -type f -exec sh -c 'file "{}" | grep -q ELF && strip --strip-debug "{}"' \; ADD --chmod=755 \ entrypoint \ \ \ \ usr/bin/ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM scratch ARG PLEX_VER ARG XMLSTAR_VER ARG BUSYBOX_VER ARG SU_EXEC_VER ARG TINI_VER ARG OPENSSL_VER ARG CURL_VER ARG OUTPUT LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Spritsail " \ org.opencontainers.image.title="Plex Media Server" \ org.opencontainers.image.url="" \ org.opencontainers.image.description="Tiny Docker image for Plex Media Server, built on busybox" \ org.opencontainers.image.version=${PLEX_VER} \ io.spritsail.version.plex=${PLEX_VER} \ io.spritsail.version.xmlstarlet=${XMLSTAR_VER} \ io.spritsail.version.busybox=${BUSYBOX_VER} \${SU_EXEC_VER} \ io.spritsail.version.tini=${TINI_VER} \ io.spritsail.version.openssl=${OPENSSL_VER} \ io.spritsail.version.curl=${CURL_VER} WORKDIR /usr/lib/plexmediaserver COPY --from=combine "$OUTPUT" / ENV SUID=900 SGID=900 \ PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_MAX_PLUGIN_PROCS="6" \ PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_MAX_STACK_SIZE="3000" \ PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_TMPDIR="/tmp" \ PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_HOME="/usr/lib/plexmediaserver" \ PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_APPLICATION_SUPPORT_DIR="/var/lib/plexmediaserver" HEALTHCHECK --interval=10s --timeout=5s \ CMD [ "wget", "-O", "/dev/null", "-T", "10", "-q", "localhost:32400/identity" ] EXPOSE 32400 VOLUME ["/config", "/transcode"] RUN mkdir -p "$PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_APPLICATION_SUPPORT_DIR" \ && ln -sfv /config "$PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_APPLICATION_SUPPORT_DIR/Plex Media Server" ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--"] CMD ["/usr/bin/entrypoint"]