mirror of https://github.com/frebib/dotfiles.git synced 2024-06-14 12:57:23 +00:00
Joe Groocock 9331a74266
aliases: Fix gfrb/gfrbi with slash-delimited branches
Multi-part branch names would be incorrectly split on the last slash and
not the first, causing these aliases to do the wrong thing. These need
the remote name which is the first element. Everything after the first
slash is the branch name, not the last slash.

Signed-off-by: Joe Groocock <me@frebib.net>
2022-10-24 15:24:19 +00:00

329 lines
11 KiB

case "$(basename "$(readlink -f /proc/$$/exe)")" in
zsh) thisfile="$(readlink -f "${(%):-%N}")";;
bash) thisfile="$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")";;
*) thisfile="$(find /proc/$$/fd/ -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -r readlink -f | grep aliases | head -n1)";;
# Global aliases for ZSH
if alias -g 2>/dev/null; then
alias -g ...=../..
alias -g ....=../../..
alias -g .....=../../../..
alias -g ......=../../../../..
alias -g NO="1> /dev/null"
alias -g NE="2> /dev/null"
alias -g NUL="&> /dev/null"
alias -g BG="&;disown"
# File default aliases
if alias -s 2>/dev/null; then
alias -s pdf="open"
alias -s jar="java -jar"
alias -s git="git clone --recursive"
alias l=ll
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -lFh --group-directories-first'
alias la='ls -lAFh --group-directories-first'
alias lt='ls -lFh --sort=time'
alias lat='ls -lAFh --sort=time'
alias lsz='ls -lAFh --sort=size'
alias al=la # No, I don't need the Mono Assembly Linker
alias md='mkdir -p'
alias rd='rmdir -p'
alias -- -='cd -'
cdt() { cd "$(mktemp -d -t "${1:-tmp}.XXXXXXXX")"; }
alias svi=sudoedit
alias svim=sudoedit
# This will enable us to use aliases in sudo.
# (If alias finishes with a space or tab, the shell will check if the next command is also aliased.)
# Source: https://github.com/mayah/home/blob/master/.zsh/zshrc.d/alias.zsh
alias sudo='sudo '
alias open=xdg-open
# Command rewrites
alias rm='rm -iv'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias cp='cp -ir'
alias scp='scp -r'
alias dd='dd status=progress'
alias wget='wget --hsts-file=$XDG_DATA_HOME/wget/hsts-file'
alias vi=vim
alias grip='grip --user=frebib --pass=$GRIP_API_KEY'
alias acme.sh='$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh/acme.sh --home $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh --config-home $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh --log $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh/acme.sh.log'
alias acmesh='$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh/acme.sh --home $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh --config-home $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh --log $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/acme.sh/acme.sh.log'
alias alpine-sdk="docker run -ti --rm \
-e USER \
-e UID=\"\$(id -u)\" \
-e PWD \
-e HOME \
-w \$PWD \
-v \$PWD:\$PWD \
-v ~/.abuild:\$HOME/.abuild \
-v ~/.abuild/distfiles:/var/cache/distfiles \
alias abuild='alpine-sdk abuild'
alias abuild-sign='alpine-sdk abuild-sign'
alias apk='alpine-sdk apk'
alias hddtemps='find /sys/block/ -name sd\* | sed "s|sys/block|dev|g" | sudo xargs hddtemp | sort -t: -k3'
alias stripansi='sed -r "s/\x1B\[(([0-9]+)(;[0-9]+)*)?[m,K,H,f,J]//g"'
alias calc="noglob bc -l <<<" # noglob allows * without quoting
exists pacman && \
alias pacman='pacman --color=always'
exists yay && \
alias p='yay'
exists tree && \
alias tree='tree --dirsfirst -C -F'
exists make && \
alias make="make -j$(nproc)"
exists gopass && \
alias pass='gopass'
echo | busybox grep --color '' >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
alias grep='grep --color'
vim --version 2>/dev/null | command grep -q +clientserver && \
alias vim="vim --servername vim -p"
# Function aliases
env() { command env "$@" | stripansi | sort; }
mcd(){ mkdir -p -- "$@" && cd -- "$@"; }
randstr() { tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w "$1" | head -n 1; }
# System aliases
alias sc="systemctl"
alias ssc="sudo systemctl"
alias scu="systemctl --user"
alias j=journalctl
alias ps='ps aux'
alias catn='tail -n +1 --'
alias kl='killall -s 9'
alias chx='chmod +x'
# Git Aliases
alias git='TZ=UTC git'
alias g=git
alias ginit='git init'
alias gignore='$EDITOR .gitignore'
alias gitc='$EDITOR $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config'
alias ggignore='$EDITOR $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/gitignore'
alias gcl="git clone --recursive"
alias gco="git checkout"
alias gcom="git checkout \"\$(git defbranch)\""
alias ga="git add"
alias gap="git add -p"
alias gau="git add -u"
alias gaN="git add -N"
alias gaa="ga -A"
alias grm="git rm"
alias gmv="git mv"
alias gc="git commit -s"
alias gcm="git commit -s -em"
alias gca="git commit -s --amend --date=\"\$(date -R)\""
alias gcn="git commit -s --no-edit"
alias gcan="gca -s --no-edit"
alias gcam="gca -s -m"
alias gst="git status"
alias grl="git reflog"
alias gm="git merge"
alias gma="git merge --abort"
alias grb="git rebase"
alias grbi="grb -i"
alias grba="grb --abort"
alias grbc="grb --continue"
alias grbsk="grb --skip"
alias grbsh="grb --show-current"
alias grbom="git rebase \"origin/\$(git defbranch)\""
gfrb() { remote="${1%%/*}"; git fetch "$remote" && git rebase "$@"; }
gfrbi() { remote="${1%%/*}"; git fetch "$remote" && git rebase -i "$@"; }
alias gam="git am"
alias gama="git am --abort"
alias gamc="git am --continue"
alias gamsk="git am --skip"
alias gcp="git cherry-pick"
alias gcpa="git cherry-pick --abort"
alias gcpc="git cherry-pick --continue"
alias gcpsk="git cherry-pick --skip"
alias grv="git revert"
alias grva="git revert --abort"
alias grvc="git revert --continue"
alias grvsk="git revert --skip"
alias gf="git fetch"
alias gp="git push"
alias gpf="gp --force"
alias gpsu="git push --set-upstream"
alias gpoH="git push origin HEAD"
alias gpsuom="git push --set-upstream origin \"\$(git defbranch)\""
alias gpall="git remote | xargs -L1 git push"
alias gl="git pull --rebase"
alias glp="gl && gp"
alias gd="git diff --patch-with-stat"
alias gdni="gd --no-index"
alias gds="gd --staged"
alias gsh="git show --format=fuller --patch-with-stat"
alias glg="git log --color --format=fuller --stat --no-merges --graph"
alias glgp="git log --color --format=fuller --patch-with-stat --no-merges --graph"
alias glog="git log --color --oneline --decorate --graph"
alias grst="git reset"
alias gundo="git reset --keep @~1"
alias gclean="git clean"
alias gclm="git cleanmerged"
alias gbr="git branch"
alias gbrl="git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate refs/heads/ --format=\"%(refname:short)\" | fzf -x --ansi --multi --preview-window=right:70% --preview=\"git log --format=fuller --stat --color=always {} | head -n\$((\$(tput lines)*10))\""
alias gtg="git tag"
alias gbl="git blame"
alias gr="git remote"
alias gra="gr add"
alias grr="gr rm"
alias grao="gra origin"
alias grro="grr origin"
alias gsta='git stash'
alias gstd='gsta drop'
alias gstl='gsta list --stat --color'
alias gstp='gsta pop'
alias gstv="gsta show -p stash@{0}"
# Docker aliases
alias d=docker
alias dps="docker ps --format='table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Label \"org.label-schema.version\"}}\t{{.Networks}}\t{{.RunningFor}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}' | sed '1s/version/VERSION/'"
alias dpsa="docker ps -a --format='table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Label \"org.label-schema.version\"}}\t{{.Networks}}\t{{.RunningFor}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}' | sed '1s/version/VERSION/'"
alias dnets="docker network ls -q | xargs docker inspect | jq '.[] | select(.Name != \"host\" and .Name != \"none\") | [.] | map(.Name + \"\t\" + (.IPAM.Config | map(.Subnet) | join(\"\t\")))[]' -r | sort -V -k2,3 | column -t"
daddrs() { docker inspect "${1:-bridge}" | jq '.[0].Containers | map(.Name + "\t" + .IPv4Address + "\t" + .IPv6Address)[]' -r | sort -V -k2,3 | column -t; }
alias din='docker inspect'
alias drm='docker rm'
alias drmi='docker rmi'
alias dim='docker images'
alias dbl='docker build --pull'
alias dbl.='docker build --pull .'
alias drun='docker run -ti'
alias dkl='docker kill'
alias drmf='docker rm -f'
alias dst='docker stop'
alias drst='docker restart'
alias dnet='docker network'
alias dvol='docker volume'
alias dc='docker compose'
alias dlg='docker logs --tail=1000 -f'
alias dalpine='docker run -ti --rm spritsail/alpine /bin/sh'
alias drm-stopped='docker container prune'
alias drmi-untag='docker image prune'
alias dprune='docker system prune -f'
dsh() { do_dsh 2 exec "$@"; return $?; }
_dsh() { __docker_complete_running_containers "$@"; }
drsh() { do_dsh 4 run --rm --entrypoint= "$@"; return $?; }
_drsh() { __docker_container_subcommand "$@"; }
do_dsh() {
local minargs=$1
if [ $# -lt "$minargs" ]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
echo "Usage: ${funcstack[2]} [user@]container [program [args]]" >&2
return 64
local dowhat="$1"
local docker_args=("$dowhat" -ti)
while [ "${1:0:1}" = '-' ]; do
if [ "${1:0:2}" != '--' ]; then
local user
user="$(echo "$1" | cut -d@ -f1 -s)"
declare -a prog
if [ -z "$user" ]; then
host="$(cut -d@ -f2 -s <<< "$1")"
if [ "$dowhat" = exec ] && [ -z "$(docker ps -q -f name="$host" <&-)" ]; then
echo "No such container $host" >&2
return 5
if [ "$dowhat" = run ]; then
docker image pull "$host"
if [ ${#prog[@]} = 0 ]; then
if [ "$dowhat" = 'run' ]; then
shell_args+=(--rm --entrypoint=)
for shell in bash sh; do
shell_path="$(set -o pipefail; docker "${shell_args[@]}" "$host" which "$shell" <&- | sed 's|[\r\n]||g')"
if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then
elif [ $retval -ge 125 ]; then
if [ ${#prog[@]} = 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: No shell found in path.. trying /bin/sh" >&2
docker "${docker_args[@]}" "$host" "${prog[@]}"
alias dm='docker-machine'
dmc() { eval "$(docker-machine env "$1")"; }
# ZFS aliases
alias zfs='sudo zfs'
alias zpool='sudo zpool'
alias zp=zpool
zl() { (set -o pipefail; command zfs list "$@" | grep -Ev 'docker/[0-9a-f]{64}' | column -t -R 2,3,4); return $?; }
_zl() { _zfs "list $*"; }
# General Aliases
alias ssha="eval \"\$(ssh-agent)\"; ssh-add"
# shellcheck disable=SC2139
alias aliases="\$EDITOR $thisfile ; exec zsh"
alias vimrc="\$EDITOR \$VIMRC"
alias zshrc="\$EDITOR \${ZDOTDIR:-\$HOME}/.zshrc ; exec zsh"
alias gitrc="\$EDITOR \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config"
alias xinitrc="\$EDITOR \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/X11/xinitrc"
alias xresources="\$EDITOR \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/X11/xresources ; xrdb merge \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/X11/xresources"
alias sshc="\$EDITOR ~/.ssh/config"
alias dotfiles="cd \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"
alias i3c="\$EDITOR \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3/config; systemctl --user reload i3"
alias polybarc="\$EDITOR \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/config.ini; systemctl --user reload polybar@i3bar"
alias rot13="tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]'"
# Networking aliases
alias ipa="ip a"
alias addrs="ip a | grep inet | grep -ve fe80 -e '127\\.0\\.0\\.1/8' -e '::1/128' | sort -n | sed 's/^\\s*//'"
# alertmanager
alias alert='amtool alert'
alias silence='amtool silence'
alias expire='amtool silence expire'
unsilence() { { for inst in "$@"; do amtool silence query instance=$inst | grep -Po '^([0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})' | tee /dev/stderr | xargs -r amtool silence expire & done; wait; } | cat }
# vim: ft=sh