[colours] background = transparent text = #eceff1 icon = #147a82 warning = #ffcb00 critical = #bd2c40 urgent = #e53935 [settings] format-foreground = ${colours.text} format-background = ${colours.background} format-spacing = 0 format-margin = 2.5 format-offset = 0 screenchange-reload = true [bar/i3bar] monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-0} dpi = ${xrdb:Xft.dpi:96} fixed-center = false enable-ipc = true width = 100% #offset-x = 18px height = 16pt bottom = true radius = 0 font-0 = sans:pixelsize=9;2pt font-1 = FontAwesome6ProLight:pixelsize=10;2pt foreground = ${colours.text} background = ${colours.background} padding-left = 0 padding-right = 2pt border-size = 0 border-left-size = 16pt border-right-size = 16pt border-bottom-size = 8pt line-size = 0 line-colour = #f00 modules-left = i3 modules-center = # modules-right = volume updates weather xkeyboard wlan gateway eth memory cpu xbacklight battery cputemp gputemp date modules-right = volume updates weather wlan gateway eth memory cpu xbacklight battery cputemp gputemp date tray-position = right tray-detached = false tray-background = ${colours.background} #tray-offset-x = -20 #tray-offset-y = 0 tray-maxsize = 12pt tray-padding = 8pt tray-scale = 1.0 cursor-click = pointer cursor-scroll = ns-resize [module/updates] type = custom/script exec = $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/update.sh tail = true format-prefix = " " format-prefix-foreground = ${colours.icon} click-left = systemd-run --user --no-block -- i3-sensible-terminal --class floating-term -e sh -c "yay; kill -USR1 %pid%; sleep 1" [module/weather] type = custom/script exec = $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/weather.sh interval = 120 click-left = systemd-run --user --no-block -- i3-sensible-terminal --class floating-term -d 125 40 --hold -e sh -c "curl wttr.in" [module/gateway] type = custom/script exec = for v in 4 6; do ip -$v r show default | xargs -rL1 sh -c 'fping --retry=1 --quiet --iface "$4" "$2"'; done && echo  || echo '%{F#f41f1c}%{F-}' interval = 2 format-prefix = " " format-prefix-foreground = ${colours.icon} [module/xkeyboard] type = internal/xkeyboard format = format-prefix = " " format-prefix-foreground = ${colours.icon} format-prefix-underline = ${colours.background} label-layout = %name% label-indicator = %name% [module/i3] type = internal/i3 format = index-sort = true wrapping-scroll = false ; Only show workspaces on the same output as the bar ; pin-workspaces = true label-mode-padding = 2 label-mode-foreground = ${colours.text} label-mode-background = ${colours.background} ; focused = Active workspace on focused monitor label-focused = %index% label-focused-padding = ${self.label-mode-padding} label-focused-foreground = ${colours.text} label-focused-background = ${colours.background} label-focused-underline = ${colours.background} ; unfocused = Inactive workspace on any monitor label-unfocused = ${self.label-focused} label-unfocused-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding} label-unfocused-foreground= ${colours.icon} label-unfocused-underline = ${self.label-focused-underline} ; visible = Active workspace on unfocused monitor label-visible = ${self.label-focused} label-visible-foreground= ${colours.icon} label-visible-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding} label-visible-background = ${self.label-focused-background} label-visible-underline = ${self.label-focused-underline} ; urgent = Workspace with urgency hint set label-urgent = ${self.label-focused} label-urgent-foreground = ${colours.urgent} label-urgent-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding} [module/xbacklight] type = internal/xbacklight label = %percentage% format =