#!/bin/sh set -e NOTIFY_APPNAME="$(basename "$0")" NOTIFY_ICONPATH="/usr/share/icons/Xenlism-Wildfire/Apps/screenshot.svg" SCROT_CMD="maim -m 10 -us %" FILENAME="$(date '+%s%N' | sha256sum | head -c7).png" DIRECTORY="$HOME/pictures/screenshots" SCP_HOST=frebib@Poseidon.nerdhouse.io SCP_PATH=/dave/www/frebib.net/s URL_PATH=https://frebib.net/s # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ send_notification() { title="$1" body="$2" replace_id="$3" notify-send \ -a "$NOTIFY_APPNAME" \ -i "$NOTIFY_ICONPATH" \ "$title" "$body" \ $(if [ -n "$replace_id" ]; then printf "%s" "-r $replace_id"; fi) \ -p } # Make the screenshot directory mkdir -p "$DIRECTORY" # Take the screenshot and save it out_path="$DIRECTORY/$FILENAME" if ! error=$(eval ${SCROT_CMD//\%/$out_path} 2>&1); then send_notification "Screenshot error" "Failed to take a screenshot:

$error" >/dev/null exit 1 fi notif_id=$(send_notification "Screenshot uploading" "$FILENAME

The image is available in the clipboard immediately" || true) # Add image to clipboard xclip -i "$out_path" -selection primary -t image/png # 'Upload' the screenshot if ! error=$(scp -C $out_path $SCP_HOST:$SCP_PATH 2>&1); then send_notification "Screenshot upload error" "Failed to upload image:

$error" >/dev/null exit 2 fi # Add URL to clipboard out_url="$URL_PATH/$FILENAME" echo "$out_url" | xclip -i -selection clipboard send_notification "Screenshot uploaded!" "$out_url" $notif_id >/dev/null || true