import configparser import os import argparse import configparser import time import requests from json import loads as jload defaultconfig = ''' # WARNING: COMMENTS IN THIS FILE WILL BE ERASED WHEN PROGRAM IS RUN! [Connection] # Specify the URL to the drone server, including port and protocol host = auth_key = eyJEXAMPLE.AUTH.KEY # Specified in seconds (Default: 300) # sleep_time = 300 #[ExampleGitHubBuild] # Example shown uses githubs api to find and compare on the sha of the latest commit # Name of the repo to trigger in drone #drone_repo = Example/HelloWorld # URL of the json structure that needs curling #url = # JSON Tree needed to resolve the value. # structure = object.sha #[ExampleGitHubRelease] #drone_repo = Example/HelloRelease #url = #structure = name ''' def runbuild(repo: str): url = drone_host + '/api/repos/' + repo latest = jload(requests.get(url + '/builds/latest', headers={'Authorization': auth}).text)['number'] buildurl = url + '/builds/' + str(latest) + '?fork=true' # [[TODO]] Add functionality for checking if build was triggered successfully? return (, headers={'Authorization': drone_auth_key})) def jsonVal(jraw, struct): try: dataDict = jload(jraw) for i in struct.split('.'): dataDict = dataDict[i] return dataDict except KeyError: print('Error: Invalid structure: ' + struct) print(dataDict) exit(1) except: raise if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='', description='Drone Triggerer triggers drone builds based on updates to arbitrary GitHub repos.') argparser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', help='Specify directory for config file') cmdargs = argparser.parse_args() if not (cmdargs.config): filepath = '.' else: filepath = cmdargs.config if not (os.path.isdir(filepath)): print('Error: Config directory does not exist. Exiting...') exit(1) if not (os.path.isfile(filepath + '/dronetrigger.cfg')): print('Warn: Config file does not exist, writing example config. Please configure and try again.') c = open(filepath + '/dronetrigger.cfg', 'w') c.write(defaultconfig) c.close() exit(78) # 78 is the exit code for invalid config config = configparser.ConfigParser() + '/dronetrigger.cfg') if not ('Connection' in config): print('Error: Connection block not found, please check your config') exit(78) if not (config['Connection'].get('host', False)) or not (config['Connection'].get('auth_key', False)): print('Error: Missing connection details. please check your config') exit(78) if (len(config.sections()) < 2): print('Error: Please configure some monitoring blocks!') exit(78) # These can be assumed since we have verified drone_host = config['Connection']['host'] drone_auth_key = config['Connection']['auth_key'] sleep_time = config['Connection'].getint('sleep_time', 300) for service in config.sections(): if service == 'Connection': continue if not (config[service].get('url', False)) or not (config[service].get('structure', False)) or not(config[service].get('drone_repo'), False): print('Error: Missing required value in status block ' + service) exit(78) try: r = requests.get(config[service].get('url')) r.raise_for_status() curr_value = jsonVal(r.text, config[service].get('structure')) except: raise if not (config[service].get('current_value', False)): print('Writing Initial value for ' + service + ': ' + curr_value) config[service]['current_value'] = curr_value with open(filepath + '/dronetrigger.cfg', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) while(True): for service in config.sections(): if service == 'Connection': continue try: r = requests.get(config[service].get('url')) r.raise_for_status() new_value = jsonVal(r.text, config[service].get('structure')) if (new_value != config[service]['current_value']): print(date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + ': Got new build - ' + new_value) runbuild(config[service].get('drone_repo')) config[service]['current_value'] = new_value with open(filepath + '/dronetrigger.cfg', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) except: raise time.sleep(sleep_time)