# To create an alpine base image: Spin up a new VM: - 512MB RAW Disk image (hence called alpine.img) - Virtio Network bridge - ISO of Alpine Virtual ed. attached Inside the VM: - Add the following to /etc/network/interfaces: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp hostname alpine - `/etc/init.d/networking restart` - Run `setup-alpine`: - gb - gb - alpine - eth0 - dhcp - no - [Enter twice] - UTC - none - 1 - openssh - busybox - sda - sys - y - `passwd -d root` - `poweroff` Make sure the VM is stopped. Run `virt-sysprep -a alpine.img` Run `xz -k -verbose -T4 --best --block-size=16777216 alpine.img` Create the index file as below. <> Shows commands to generate the required data. Replace version as needed. ``` [alpine-37] name=Alpine 3.7 osinfo=alpine arch=x86_64 file=alpine.img.xz checksum= format=raw size= compressed_size= expand=/dev/sda3 ``` Sign the index file: `gpg --clearsign --armor index` Upload the generated `index.asc` and `alpine.img.xz` files to a web server.